230 Washington Way Centralia, WA 98531
46.7366596, -122.99443159999998
Pope’s Kids Place offers an early childhood education center, a respite care service for parents of children with special needs and a dental clinic.
Early Childhood Education
Pope’s Kids Place offers childcare for children between the ages of 2.5 to 8 years. They are open on weekdays between 6am and 6pm. They provide a healthy, nutritious meal and have a nurse on-site during all open hours.
They accept state-paid daycare. You will be required to supply immunization records and complete an application.
As of 5/10/2017, Pope’s Kids Place is currently accepting applications for their waiting list.
Respite Care Services
Parents of special needs children can bring their children to Pope’s Kids Place for respite care. Pope’s Kids Place provides nurturing daily care for up to two weeks. An information packet must be filled out prior to participation and you’ll need to meet with a Registered Nurse to coordinate care.