Catholic Community Services (Chehalis)


1570 N National Ave Chehalis, WA, 98532


46.6747295, -122.9697855


Do you need frozen meals delivered to your home? Meals on Wheels, provided by Catholic Community Services in Chehalis, can help!

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels are frozen meals that are delivered to your home. The meals are prepared according to your specific dietary needs. A household can receive one meal per person for every day of the week. The meals are delivered once or twice a month.

If you’re over age 60, unable to leave your home to shop and find it difficult to prepare food, you may be eligible to receive free or discounted meals from Meals on Wheels.

What does Meals on Wheels cost? There is no cost! However, a $2 per meal suggested donation is encouraged.

Senior Transportation ProgramĀ 

Anyone who is at least 60 years old and has no other means of transportation can request transportation from Catholic Community Services. They will travel as far north as Seattle and as far south as Portland, as long as the trip begins in Lewis County.

This is a free transportation program but Catholic Community Services encourages donations. The recommended donations are just $5 for trips within the Twin Cities area or as high as $50 for a trip to Tacoma with wheelchair assistance.

Non-Medical Assistance for the Elderly

In every county in Western Washington, Catholic Community Services coordinates home care workers who provide everything from housework, errands, personal care, and companionship to the elderly friends they serve.

Volunteer Services can also assist with housework, shopping, yard work, minor home repair, cooking, communications, wood provision, protective supervision and moving assistance. The volunteers generally provide 2-8 hours of service per month. To receive Volunteer Services, you must be age 60+, living on a fixed income with some health or mobility limitations OR be age 18-59 with temporary or permanent functional limitations.

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